Sunday, November 8, 2009

How I Finally Got Rid of all of My Warts

I got my first growth early in my thirteenth year of existence. The other members of my family had had warts before so I had it burnt off and didn't think about it again. I kept making trips to see the doctor every month to have the thing burnt off again and again, it just wouldn't expire.I had no idea that getting rid of a little growth would be such a irritation. It is really quite dreadful and time consuming to get rid of a wart.
Primarily, my doctor tried liquid nitrogen. Plentiful other warts would materialize around where the initial infection was. It looked like the main part of the growth was disappearing, but there were still surviving parts of the virus on the outskirts. Once the dust had settled, there were a whole host of new growth.In time, my left thumb had been taken over by a giant case of the infection. It was very embarrassing.. Aside from the giant growth on my thumb, I had between ten and twenty other warts on speckled about my two hands. I regularly had bandages covering my growth and would only wear long sleeved shirts so I could hide my hands in the sleeves. Every time I would have my GP freeze my thumb growth with liquid nitrogen, I would almost pass out because of the throbbing. Most of the nervous systems nerve endings are at the extremities of the body, like fingertips, I optimism I never have to feel anything like that again.
The next attempt was to treat myself with a white ointment. The soreness was more drawn out with this system but less intense. My thumb wart would pound all day long for weeks and I thought this was the only way. When it was time for the bandages to come off, it looked as if my thumb had been in a tub for five days. It was completely white and I was supposed to pick off the dead skin that the wart lived in. I had to shave off a few centimeters of the virus with an emery board. It got so bloody and so painful that I couldn't go any more. It looked like the virus had made its way down to the bone.
My doctor gave me the name of a dermatologist and told me to see him next. Getting an appointment was difficult and took a long time so my growth grew back to its previous state. He covered my wart with a brown liquid that was planned to cause an allergic retort. Allergic reaction I did. My finger swelled to a balloon, turned red and began to hurt immensely. My thumb blistered beyond all recollection and I thought I would give up on treating my warts. Needless to say, my body didn't do anything to resolve the growth predicament. I had utterly given up on finding a product that would eradicate a wart.
My mother is a nurse and said to try the duct tape occlusion therapy. I tried it but when it came time to file it down with an emery board, it was too bloody and agonizing to keep on. I tried rubbing banana peels on it to no avail. The most absurd thing I tried was rubbing an old dirty cloth on the area and burying it under a full moon. Believe it or not, that didn't work either. No wart treatment on earth worked to get rid of my damn infection. Until I found “No More Moles, Warts, or Skin Tags” by Chris Gibson.
I was channel surfing when I heard a guy named Chris talking about wart deletion on A channel. I took it as a kind of signal and determined it was worth checking out. I have to say I wasn't really holding out much hope for his methods but I thought I'd give them a try. It seemed everybody that had bought it had benefitted from it in some way. It was not easy to find a bad assessment but they did exist.  Often people complained that their skin was loose and wrinkled subsequently. That seemed like a little price to pay for extracting a two inch tumor. Anyways, it was among the cheapest methods I had yet tried so I found his website and purchased the book.
After using the methods Chris suggested, I was unbelievably happy to see that my wart had disappeared in just three days. Now, I had only just tried it on the big wart on my thumb but I was exceptionally pleased with the results. The spot that previously had the wart was a little wrinkled and couldn't feel much but the feeling came back and the flesh filled out beneath the skin. Because the wart had grown so large, it had stretched the skin around it. I noticed a couple wrinkles around where the growth used to be but they have since disappeared and my thumb is as it was years ago. I started work on the other growth right away and they worked even faster and with less scarring.
So Chris' process is in my mind, without a doubt the least intrusive and most valuable means of getting rid of warts, anywhere. I'd hate to contemplate how I would feel if I still had all those warts. I don't scare off girls any longer (even though I did attain my current girlfriend with the growth) and I can have on short sleeve shirts again. I never thought that I would be getting rid of my warts and it certainly blew me away when I finally did.

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